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Is it possible to slimming with black seed?
Mayıs 12, 2023

Slimming with black seed, “There is no disease other than death, so that there is no cure for him in black seed.” Even the subject of the hadiths is the healing of a thousand of the donut plant plant. The benefits of black seed, which serves as a protective against all kinds of diseases, do not stop counting. Beautifies the skin; The heart protects the liver. Chronic fatigue, insomnia. It is effective against joint pain, rheumatism. Of course, the benefits of black seed are not limited to these. Does the black seed weaken? Yes, black seed plant helps you lose weight in a healthy way. If you consume black seed to lose weight, there are a few important points to consider. Let’s talk about these important points. Donut grass should be consumed on a daily basis.
If you want black seed to help you lose weight, you should consume it regularly every day. 1 teaspoon of grinded black seed that you will consume on an empty stomach every day triggers weight loss. Consume black seed with yogurt.
The effect will increase since black seed is consumed together with yogurt. 2 bowls of yogurt that you will consume in snacks and add black seed to help to lose weight. Milk can also be preferred instead of yogurt. You should consume black seed.
The black seed plant should be consumed by crushing or grinding if used for other purposes to lose weight. You can grind the seeds just before consuming with the help of a spice grinder. Another method is to consume these seeds by chewing thoroughly in the mouth. [Button Link = “https://egepazarindan.com/yerli-corekotu/ It allows the intestines to work regularly and correctly. Prevents constipation.
It balances insulin resistance, which has an effect on reducing the feeling of hunger in the body. Reduces sweet crises.
It has a completely accelerating effect on metabolism.
It provides the elimination of edema accumulated in the body.
Donut grass Cure weakening black seed and yogurt cure requirements: 1 teaspoon of black seed
2 tablespoons of yogurt
Half a teaspoon of powdered ginger on request
Half a teaspoon of powdered turmeric
Preparation of donuts and yogurt cure: 1 teaspoon of black seed, just before consuming the kitchen robot or spice grinder is grinded. The grinded black seed is mixed with yogurt. It is important that black seed is without medication. It is recommended that yogurt be homemade. Powder ginger and turmeric can be added to the mixture. This mixture can be consumed about 20 days before eating on an empty stomach. It will give a feeling of satiety, make edema, run the intestines and help weight loss. Slimming with black seed and yogurt is possible. For slimming with black seed, non-medication, domestic production donut grass You can safely buy production donuts via our egepazarindan.com address. You can subscribe to our bulletin to be informed about our current product and price lists and campaigns and follow our Instagram page.

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