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What is the difference of red kinoa white kinoa?
Mayıs 12, 2023

What is the difference of red kinoa white kinoa? Kinoa; It is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with different colors. The consumption of this high -profile food, which is completely gluten -free, extends today until 5000 years ago.
It is possible to talk about 3 different colors of kino’s black, white and red. The grains are also consumed as mixed, which is quite common.
White Kinoas are the most popular and the most sold color in our country.
So what differences are there between different colors? A color more likely than the other? In our article, we will try to answer these questions and more, and we will focus on the red -colored kinoa!
Red Kinoa is the nourishing seeds of a plant that plays red to South America. The seeds rolls full and crispy.
Usually cooked and consumed by the grains are cooked, it earns a softer tissue.
Latin name: Chenopodium Quinoa
[Button Link = “https://egepazarindan.com/kirmizi-kinoa-gluten-kizil-kinoa/” color = “red” newwindow = “Yes”] It is clear that kinoa is completely different from cereals such as wheat and oats. Therefore, like all kinolas, the red colored ones are naturally completely gluten -free.
Red Kinoa nutritional value is rich in this old seed fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.
A good manganese, copper, phosphorus and magnesium source.
For a portion (185 grams) cooked red kinoa:
Calories: 222
Protein: 8 grams
Carbohydrate: 40 grams
Fiber: 5 grams
Sugar: 2 grams
Oil: 4 grams
It also has manganese, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, folate, zinc, iron content.

What are the benefits? It is a very rich food by antioxidants. The fiber ratio is high.
It has a much higher protein content than many cereals, including wheat, rice and barley.
It can provide protection against heart disease and improve the nutrient quality of a gluten -free diet.
[Button Link = “https://egepazarindan.com/kirmizi-kinoa-glutenSiz-kizil-kinoa/” color = “red” newwindow = “Yes”]
What is the difference of red kinoa white kinoa? Which kinoa is more useful? Compared to other colors with red color, it is seen that similar calories and fat, protein, carbohydrate, micro nutrient content.
The difference is hidden in the concentration of plant compounds. Red Kinoa contains betalain unlike other kino. Betalains give the seeds the red color and ensure that red quinoas have a much higher antioxidant value than others.
In addition, red grains have a more aromatic, strong taste than whites.
The cooking time is longer than white kino.

How to consume red qinoa? It can be prepared as kinoa pilaf,
Can be added to cereal salads,
More nutritious plates can be prepared by adding to the oat porridge,
It can be added to green salads.
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As with other quino, the red colored ones should be kept in water and washed before boiled.
Otherwise, due to the saponins on the outer surface of the kino, your recipes will have an unwanted pain.
Ideal for boiling water – kinoa ratio is considered 1: 2. In other words, 2 cups of water is sufficient to boil 1 cup of kinoa.
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