It is a traditional method applied to throw out the toxins accumulated in the body to burn the henna of vinegar to the feet, sometimes even in the hands.
It is thought that the henna has a detox effect in the body in a short time and threw the poison of the body.
Apple cider vinegar and henna henna are brought to consistency by apple cider vinegar instead of water. The reason for this is that natural apple cider vinegar activates the henna.
The highest quality materials should be used when burning vinegar henna.
Henna should not be an old dated.
The vinegar used should be homemade if possible. Usually apple cider vinegar is preferred for application. However, natural and unadulterated vinegar of other fruits can also be used.
Some water is also used in the mixture to attach the ideal consistency. The water used should be clean drinking water without chlorine.
It is also known as foot detox to make vinegar henna.
What are the benefits of vinegar to the feet? Usually this detox is applied to remove the toxic substances accumulated in the body.
It is thought to be good for joints, feet, leg pains.
It is effective in getting rid of foot and nail fungus.
Hands and feet are thought to be effective in complaints of cold and coldness.
It is also applied for acne complaints. nedir/
What are the benefits of burning vinegar henna?
The application is not repeated very often. It is usually administered up to 1 or 2 times a year.
So how to burn vinegar henna? How long is it waiting?
Vinegar henna recipe materials
3-4 tablespoons of heaping natural henna
8-10 tablespoons of homemade apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons of chlorine -free drinking water
Preparation of
All ingredients mix until it can be applied in a deep container until it reaches consistency.
If your skin is very sensitive, the amount of vinegar is reduced and the amount of water is increased. In the same way, if the application is to be made to small children, the amount of water is increased and the rate of vinegar is reduced.
The mixture is applied to all the soles of the feet so that there is no gap.
There is no need to wrap with a cloth. There is no need to apply henna on the foot surface except the soles.
How many hours of henna burned to the feet should stop? It takes about 2 hours to dry the henna completely. Henna should not be washed before it dries completely.
When the henna is completely dry, the feet are washed with warm water and washed with lightly water and purified from the henna.
Vinegar henna application can also be applied to hair.
Henna and apple cider vinegar How to apply to hair? If the application is to be applied to the hair, the amount of vinegar should be reduced in order not to burn the hair bottoms.
The mixture is applied by massaging the bottom of the hair. After waiting for 1 hour, rinsed with warm water. Some olive oil can also be added to the mixture. You can subscribe to our newsletter to be aware of our informative articles, current product and price lists, campaigns and follow our Instagram page.
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