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Probiotic Okra Pickle Recipe: Forty, without lemon
Mayıs 12, 2023

Probiotic Okra pickle, even those who do not like gumbo food will be fainted with both a useful and delicious crispy snack.
We have prepared our pickle without using vinegar and lemon to be rich in useful bacteria.
Don’t worry if you’ve never had pickles without using vinegar or lemon before, your probiotic pickle will be as delicious as traditional pickles!
The basic material of our pickle will, of course, will be freshly fresh gumbo in the season.
We will use rock salt to ensure that our pickle will gain fermented and not to deteriorate.
And finally, in order to support the crispy flavor and to prevent molding at the top, the branch needs bay leaves!
Before moving on to our detailed recipe, let’s talk about the benefits of probiotic okra!
What are the benefits of pickled Okra? The probiotic gumbo pickle is intestinal friendly. It is especially relaxing for those with gas complaints and constipation problems.
Okra is one of the leading skin -friendly vegetables with its high collagen content. The effect of the fermented gumbo will increase in times.
It lowers bad cholesterol and is a blood sugar regulator.
Provides support against joint pain, rheumatism pain, meniscus pain, calcification.
Let’s come to our recipe!

Probiotic Okra Pickle Recipe Let us choose the most blind and smallest ones among the fresh gumbo we will get from the market. A glass jar of 850 ml is enough to fill the amount of gumbo.
The remaining gumbo will be considered as cooking, let’s take them aside.
Let’s wash the smallest okra we have chosen and clean the heads in cone!
ATTENTION! It is important that we do the washing process before the cleaning process, otherwise our okra will be snapped!
After extracting the gumbo, let’s put tightly into the jar that we have previously disinfected. Let’s leave a little gap on the upper part.
Let’s add 2 tablespoons of salt on our gumbo, and immediately after all the okra in all the okra.
Finally, to make our pickle crispy crispy, let’s close the okra with 3-4 bay leaves. Fresh vine leaves may also be preferred instead of bay leaves.
For the first time, let’s close the new jar lid with three further backward technique, rinse the jar to distribute the salt and remove our pickles to rest in a place that does not take direct sun.
The process is over!
Depending on the weather conditions, your pickle will be ready in a period of 15 days to 1 month.
ATTENTION! Don’t forget to remove the gas by opening the bottle and rinse the bottle occasionally!
You can consume your pickle as a light snack or use it for making pickle roasting.

Pickle probiotic or prebiotic? Pickles are probiotic when they are prepared without the addition of vinegar or lemon, ie without containing substances that affect fermentation. You can subscribe to our bulletin to be informed about our informative articles, current product and price lists and campaigns and follow our Instagram page.
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