Is salt healthy? Does the question from time to time do your mind too? Is salt harmful to health? What happens if we don’t use salt at all? How much salt should we consume daily?
Come on, let’s examine the salt more closely!
Salt, which is a sine qua non of our tables, has an almost common idea of experts and physicians in sodium chloride. Sodium chloride must be taken into the body in a certain amount of amount. Because it has tasks to regulate blood pressure and regulate fluid balance in our body. Moreover, it is also necessary for our muscle and nerve functions to work correctly and regularly.
However, the important point in the intake of salt is the amount to be taken to the body.
What is the ideal amount is the issue that causes disagreement among experts.
Excessive sodium intake is associated with cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, chronic heart disease and increased risk of paralysis with heart attack.
Is salt healthy? What are the symptoms of excess salt consumption? The fact that there is too much sodium in the body occurs with complaints such as severe diarrhea, vomiting, fever, loss of water hormone in acute cases.
The fact that there is too much sodium in the body is called hypernatremia and is usually associated with insufficient water consumption.
Symptoms are:
Frequent urination
Getting fat
Loss of taste
So what happens in a case of opposite? What if we can’t get as much salt as necessary to our body?
[Button Link = “ ?: What are the symptoms of the body’s salt -free? What happens if we don’t use salt at all?
Use of certain drugs; Problems with heart, kidney or liver, hormonal changes, chronic alcoholism, drug use, malnutrition or too much water consumption may not enter the body due to sufficient sodium. This is rare and carries the name of hyponatremia.
The symptoms of hyponatremia are as follows:
Nausea and vomiting
Muscle weakness and cramps
Unrest and irritability
[Button Link = “” newwindow = “Yes”] Himalaya salt [/button] is salt healthy? : What is the ideal ratio of daily salt? How much salt should we consume on a daily basis?
It is recommended by health institutions to keep the rate taken between 1,500 mg and 2,300 mg on a daily basis. These rates are in a range that most doctors and scientists will agree on.
These amounts correspond to one or a half teaspoon of grinded salt.
These amounts are not valid for kidney patients and blood pressure patients and people with direct relevant disease in the blood. cesitleri/ You can subscribe to our newsletter to be aware of our informative articles, current product and price lists, campaigns and follow our Instagram page.
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