Udi turkey paste is a natural mixture that is used with its basic materials raw honey and freshly drawn udi turkey powder.
In addition to these two basic materials, a wide variety of natural materials can be included in this mixture. Pollen, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, havling; Natural molasses, ginseng, Çakşır root… It is one of the other nutrients added to the mixture.
Udi Hindi paste is a practical solution to benefit from the healing of Udi Hindin. It is not difficult to consume honey and paste. The mixture is not very painful. For this reason, it is a preferred product for adults as well as for children.
https://egepazarindan.com/zencefil-surubi-tarifi-bagismiklik-gucletir/ what does uhi turkey paste do? This paste is often used to strengthen the immune system, to strengthen, to increase the energy of the body, to remove the toxic substances accumulated in the body over time.
This paste can be preferred as a product of sore throat, cough, eczema, skin rash, stomach complaints.
Also UD turkey; It is an anti -inflammatory, expectorant and allergic complaints have a mitigating effect.
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UDI Hindi Paste How to Use? This paste can be used for both adults and children.
However, it must be sure that the content of the paste you have prepared or purchased is not an additional product that is allergic to you or your child.
It is enough to use a small amount of paste on a daily basis. For adults, this amount is 1 or 2 teaspoons per day. For children, the ratio should be much lower. 1 teaspoon per day will be more than enough for them.
For the highest yield, ud-i turkey paste should be consumed on an empty stomach.
Let’s come to how to prepare this mixture!
How to Make Udi Hindi Paste? The first of the two most important points in preparing the mixture is that Udi turkey powder is fresh. The most ideally dust must be newly drawn.
Another important point is the quality of honey. Honey; It is important to see the desired benefit from the raw honey, not to be shiny processing.
Carob molasses or grape molasses are often added to the paste. It is important that these products are natural and unadulterated products that do not contain additional sugar.
If you will be added in the form of hail, turmeric, ginger, kebabiye should be added to these products should also be fresh, quality and mixed.
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How to prepare Uhi turkey paste? The entire solid material is proportional to half of the whole liquid material. In a glass jar, the whole material is mixed up well until it is completely intertwined, for at least 15 minutes.
The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. It is consumed after mixing before each use.
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