How to make gold grass oil? When to plan? Golden grass; It is a wild and healing kind of plant that is also known as flower, golden dish flower, rabies flower, bee grass names.
Gold is among the natural herbs suitable for external and internal use.
The fact that the yellow flowers remain in their branch for a very long time without spilling and in this way to protect the pleasant appearance of the flower called the “Die Un Die”.
Gold grass is often consumed as tea, this tea has a pleasant aroma that is not heavy.
How to brew golden grass tea? 3-4 branches do not die for 1 tea cup. The flowers are boiled over low heat for 2 minutes and serve on the stove without waiting more.
How to make gold grass oil? If you have fresh golden herbs at home, it is easy to prepare golden grass oil.
The name of the method you will use to obtain this oil is the maseration method.
Fill the flowers into a jar in a jar and add enough quality olive oil to pass on it.
Let this jar rest in a corner that receives direct suns for 25-30 days.
At the end of the waiting time, strain the flowers and store the oil in a cabinet without direct light.
[Button Link = “ This oil is a great skin care oil and massage oil.
It can be used in knees against joint and rheumatism pain.
It has a moisturizing and firming effect for the skin.
It is also possible to find precious golden grass volatile oil obtained by distillation method in the market. This oil is quite valuable and expensive.
The reason for this is that when the oil of this flower is squeezed, very small amounts of fat can be obtained.
Only 850-950 grams of grass can be obtained from 1 ton of grass flower.
When is the golden grass seed planted? When to gather? This special plant, which grows spontaneously in nature, can also be grown.
The most ideal times for the transplantation of the plant are considered as the beginning of March. Harvest time is autumn.
WHERE DOES GOLDS GROW? The plant likes hot air and can be seen in a wide range of geographies.
It grows spontaneously in the mountains and slopes in the Mediterranean and Aegean and Eastern Anatolia provinces.
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